lotus posehalfmoon poseheadstandbridge posecamel pose

Until The Guru Comes Is Predicated On One Fact: We Are All Gurus.





(Watermarks are only on web pictures, but not on products)

All POSTERS ARE: $26.00 for: 18" X 24" & $33.00 for 24" X 36"  (Shipping & Handling included on all orders in the US.)

Acid-free Paper

YOGA (Watermarks are not on actual Posters) Click to enlarge Sanskrit Name
18" X 24"


24" X 18"

1. Bow Posture
bow Pose
2. Bridge Pose bridge pose Sarvangasana
3. Camel Pose Camel Pose Ustrasana
4. Cat Pose Cat Pose Badalasana
5. Chair Pose chair pose Utkatasana
6. Cobra Pose cobra pose Bhujanasana
7. Complete Boat Pose boat pose Paripurna Navasanal
8. Cowface Pose cowface pose Gomukhasana
9. Crane Pose crane pose Bakasana
10. Downward Facing Dog Pose downwardfacing dog Adho Mukha Svanasana
11. Eagle Pose eagle pose Garudasana
12. Eight Angle Pose eight angle pose Astavakrasana
13. Fish Pose fish pose Matsyasana
14. Friend Of The Universe Pose  pose Visvamitrasana
15. Half Moon Pose half moon pose Ardha_Chandra
16. Headstand Pose headstand Sirsasana
17. Hero Pose hero pose Supta Virasana
18. Heron Pose heron pose Krounchasana
19. Locust Pose locust pose Salahasana
20. Lord Of The Dance Pose dancer's pose Natarajasanared
21. Lotus Pose locust pose Padmasana
22. Monkey Pose monkey pose Hanumanasana
23. Mountain Pose mountain pose Tadasana
24.Peacock Pose peacock pose Mayurasana
25. Plow Pose plow pose Halasana
26. Relaxation Pose relaxation pose Savasana
27. Shoulderstand Pose

shoulderstand pose Salamba Sarvangasana
28. Staff Pose staff pose Dandasana
29. Torso Stretch Pose toso stretch pose bharadvajasana
30. Tortoise Pose tortoise pose kurmasana
31. Tree Pose tree pose Vrksasana
32. Triangle Pose triangle ose trikonasana
33. Warrior Pose warrior pose virabhadrasana
Pilates. Mermaid pilates mermaid  
Pilates The One-hundred pilates ones-humdred  
Pilates Swan Dive pilate swan dive  
TAI CHI        
TC Blue Dragon Emerges From Water blue dragon emerges from water  
TC White Ape Presents Fruit white ape presents fruit  
TC White Crane Sreads It's Wings white crane spreads it's wings  


Deluxe Large Tote Bag 19" x 15" x 6"
(Clickname & Pictures to enlarge)
Variety of Totes will expand, so keep checking back with us!
Shipping & Handling included in the US

Name & Number

$25.00 Picture on one side $30.00 Picture on both sides $35.00 with Picture and: (your Name) Loves Yoga! On one side and picture on back of Tote with no name
1. Bow Posture

bow pose tote


bow pose both sides


bow pose toe name on front pict. back


Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
2. Bridge Pose

bridge tote 1 side


bridge tote 2 sides


bridgetote name
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
3. Camel Pose

camel pose tote oneside


camel tote 2 sides picts camel tote name on front pict on back
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
4. Cat Pose cat pose totoe 1 1 sided

cat pose totoe 2 sides


cat pose tote name on front pict back
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
5. Chair Pose

chair tote 1 side


chair tote 2 sided


cair tote with name on front
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
6. Cobra Pose

cobra pose tote 1 side


cobra pose tote 2 sided


cobra pose tote name
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
7. Complete Boat Pose complete boat pose 1 side complete boat pose 2 sided pict.
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
8. Cowface Pose cowface pose tote 1 side

cowface pose 2 sides

cowface pose name
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
9. Crane Pose crane pose tote 1side

crane pose tote 2 sided


crane pose tote name
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!
10. Downward Facing Dog Pose downward facing dog pose tote 1 side downward facing dog pose 2 sided downward facing dog pose tote name
Name to use in:___loves Yoga!


Juliet's Relaxation Kit

Kit includes:Hand Made Organic Flaxseed & Organic Lavender, Eye Pillow with Removable, Washable Cover, Until the guru Comes Relaxation CD, and Instruction Pamphlet, all in an Organza bag. (You can Chill and Warm This Eye-Pillow)

relaxation eye pillow kitrelaxtion kit  packed

(Click to enlarge)


Shipping & Handling Included; Only on Orders in the US.

Back to www.artanddesignaholic.com/indexposters.html

Webmaster: juliet@untilthegurucomes.com